Wow motherhood . . . . .this is definitely one journey that no one can prepare you for. Growing up I never really had a strong maternal instinct yet since the day I found out I was pregnant this has kicked in stronger than I ever thought possible.
Becoming a mum is one thing, yet to have your dreams of what family life should be like taken away so you end up doing the gig solo is another thing. I’m not going to dwell on how this happened, the fact is I am here doing the parenting thing on my own.
Sometimes life sucks and being a working solo mumma with a lively little guy to raise is tough. It has its highs, lows and sideways curveballs. I’m sure I am not alone in the daily struggles and the dramas of motherhood and I’m sure I am not the only solo mumma proudly raising her child in the best possible way they know how!
I’ve been inspired to share my journey here with others in the hope that it can help you through the rough times and let other mummas know there is someone else who understands the relentlessness you feel every day. Of course I also want to share the fun times, the pivotal moments and show that this shines brighter than the dark emptiness that can frequently be felt and hopefully shine some light onto it.
You can expect an open candid insight into all aspects of being a mum from my perspective, it will be real and raw as that is what being a mum has allowed me to become.
I hope you enjoy my thoughts and experiences – I’m excited to share them!